Tampa/Orlando Commercial Landscaping; Affordable Eye Catching Designs!

May 17, 2019

Business owners and managers throughout Orlando and Tampa are turning to Baker Commercial Landscaping for eye catching designs to increase positive customer relations, business value, and even their brand. 

Why is Investing in Your Landscaping So Important?

There are many things that you need to attend to internally, but external is is just as important. Laying down the welcome mat and putting your best face forward with a beautiful, well designed landscape. 

Make a Great First Impression 

Whether you like it or not, your business is judged by how it looks. The presentation, weed free planters, colorful flower beds, neatly edged lawn and shrubs trimmed. Your eye for details sends a powerful message to those passing by. 

Attractive Curb Appeal 

Your landscape design establishes the tone for your business. A beautiful space naturally attracts customers and makes them want to spend more time in the area. 

Improved Employee Morale 

As your employees walk into your business, take breaks, and unwind outside, they want to feel the beauty of nature all around them.  Studies show workers are more productive and happier when 

According to a recent article from NBC News, “One of the most recent studies, from the Journal of Environmental Psychology, noted a phenomenon that may stem from biophilia — human beings’ natural desire to be connected with nature.”

It went on to reveal, “Overall, the presence or visibility of plants and water should be enough to raise the productivity— and even the health — of your entire team.”

Improved Security and Safety 

A manicured landscape, trimmed branches, smooth and neat walkways, means people are less likely to stumble or take a fall. It also makes them feel safe and secure. Which is vital in this day in age.

Supports the Communities Sustainability

Environmentally friendly landscaping incorporates the benefits of native plants, proper handling of storm water, and recognizing the standard of sustainability.

The benefits of professional landscaping for Orlando and Tampa commercial property owners and managers, as well as residential homes, are numerous. From reducing your landscaping budget, adding value, making a great first impression and creating a beautiful, inviting environment, investing in your property with Baker Commercial Landscaping is a smart investment!

Contact Baker Commercial Landscaping today for a free quote